Matthew's Weblog

Note-taking thoughts for the New Year

I'll be back at my desk tomorrow. The children are making thank-you cards, so I'm using the time to think about my note-taking process.

I haven't got very far with this - and I'm not looking for anything wildly different from what I did in 2022. Emacs is central, as is Org Mode and Org-roam. Journalling happens in Day One - mainly on my iPhone.

The initial improvements I would like to make include the following:

  1. Being able to quickly create one-line notes from Raycast, which can then be edited in Emacs either immediately or later
  2. Search for notes using Raycast
  3. Explore whether being more diligent about creating relationships between notes will be helpful (or just a distraction)

Here is what I've managed to come up with so far for the first of the above:

I still need to get Raycast to ask me whether I want to edit the note in Emacs after it's been created. However, I will try this out properly tomorrow and see whether it will genuinely help.

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