Matthew's Weblog

Interactive Story Maker

I'm not a writer of interactive fiction. It is though something I've always wanted to experiment with - without needing to do a deep dive into systems such as Inform 7. Having played with tools like Twine and Ficdown I decided it would be fun to write a small engine with which I could write small interactive stories. Interactive Story Maker is the result - and like Ficdown is based on Markdown. One big difference between ISM and other choice-based interactive fiction systems is built-in support for inventory-based puzzles.

A Christmas story

I've written a small story to demonstrate some of the core concepts. It's not a particularly great story and is very easy to complete. It will though show you the sorts of things which are possible with ISM.

To find out more about how to write a story see You can also download the source code for ISM.

To play the story

You first need to download the story file - and then load it into

Once you've completed the story (it doesn't take long) you'll be given a link to the story source so you can see how it is put together.

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